Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MO Trail Cam Pics 6/29/09

Shana and I stopped by the north MO property on the way back from our Mark Twain Lake vacation yesterday. The farm looks great and the main road was covered up in tracks. Rog has corn planted all along the levee and in the south fields and everything north east in beans. Both meadows are grown up nicely and there were several of the usual trails being used.

I pulled the card from TCMO1 with much anticpation, since it had been out since May 3rd. To say I was a little dissappointd was an understatement. TC lesson 1 "don't use cheap batteries even if they were free". I got several good pictures considering this is just a trail and no food or mineral lick is present, but the Bass Pro batteries died after only a handful of pictures.

When I go back up in a couple weeks to move stands I'm going to move the TC onto a food source and hopefully start catching some of the big boys coming out in velvet.

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