After draining my boots twice I finally made it to my stand at 6 AM. I was hunting my money set again. As soon as legal shooting time arrived it started to rain hard. Nothing was moving for the first hour. At exactly 7:30 AM a doe and a mini came through the bottoms. I thought about filling another management tag with the mini, but it stopped just behind some brush at 40 yards. After milling around for a couple seconds both deer walked off to the southwest directly past my ladder stand. Nothing else moved the rest of the morning other than a mini raccoon who ran right under my stand. To bad the season isn't open yet! Below is a picture of the doe and mini I saw in the AM.....I think.
Sunday, September 26. I took the morning off to catch up on some sleep. I made it to the woods around 3:30 PM. I decided to pull my camera card from the Northwest corner of the property prior to my sit. I wanted to make sure the camera was working and also see if any deer where using the area during daylight. The camera did have some deer on it, but nothing since the heavy rains earlier in the week. I did get a photo of a nice 2.5 year old 8 pt. that I will post a pic of later this year. I left the camera and the card in the woods for now.
I made it to the ladder set on the east side of the main woods around 4:50 PM. The wind was blowing from the southwest at 0-5 mph, no clouds and temps around 60. It was a perfect fall afternoon. At 5 PM I noticed a small tree moving to my west. minutes later I saw a young 8 pt walking towards me. The 8pt walked up to 13 yards and wandered around next to my stand for several minutes before walking off to the northeast. At 5:45 I had a young 7 pt come in from my east. He walked into 20 yards before working his way towards the main corn field to the west. Below is another pic of the 7pt. The pic at the top is also of the 7 pt.
That was it for deer movement the rest of the evening. Overall another fairly successful weekend of sits. Next weekend is MN duck opener. Logan and I will be in Western MN and hopefully kill some ducks, geese and doves.
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