The 2009 MO archery season was pretty solid for Pete and me. We'd scouted our Blue Springs farm all summer and had several P&Y shooters in the area which included one 160" + typical 10 pointer.
Unfortunately neither of us was able to connect on the big10, but after passing a nice 2 1/2 yr. old 8 pointer September 18th, I was able to connect a great 3 1/2yr. old 10 pointer two nights later on September 20th.

Pete was fortunate enough to shoot a good 11 pointer on October 23rd out of a set 80yrds. south of were I killed my buck.

My cousin is an official P&Y scorer so I asked him to come by the house on Tuesday and score both of our deer. My buck was first up to bat on the measuring table and after further review, I have my first official P&Y MO bow kill!
- Gross Score: 130 4/8"
- Net Score: 126 6/8"
After the excitement of my buck making the book, it was time to put Pete's buck too the tape. With a 7 x 4 frame we knew the deductions were going to be huge, and unfortunately the buck came in well under the P&Y minimum after it was all said and done. We were hoping to see both bucks make the book, but it one is better than none!
- Gross Score: 126 6/8
- Net Score: 113 P&Y
Now it's time to put a couple more MO Big Boys on the dirt!!!!!
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