The birds were still in the field, so I made a big loop along the north side of the property. By the time I got to my first ambush point the birds had moved off the field. I could see the field to the east with no sign of the birds, so I started my sneak towards the western fields. I got to the second glassing spot so I could see in the west field and sure enough the birds were about 125yrds to the south. A big, deep ditch ran along the field edge the birds were working, so I decided to put the sneak on. I figured there was no chance of the Toms leaving their ladies so a sneak was my best and only option.
The ditch was massive with 15–20" sides, but luckily there was a tree about halfway up the west edge where the birds had hung up. Once I got a ways down the ditch I raised up over the ditch lip and spotted the long beards about 45 yrds. out and feeding right to me. I repositioned myself for a shot and waited as the birds closed another 15yrds on my position. After picking out the largest bird, I touched off the shot! The Nelli and Federal #5’s put the hurt on the ol' long Dong Tom and team MinnyMo had bird number one ready for a ride in the back of the truck!
Right after the shot the other two Tom birds jumped on their fallen comrade and started gobbling, pecking, and scratching the dead bird. It was an amazing sight! I've been hunting turkeys for a long time and this is the first time I'd ever seen that. It was great ending to another successful turkey hunt!
22 Lbs.
10' Beard
1" spurs
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