Pete & I hunted the BS155 Friday evening and there was good deer movement back by the Killing Tree set. With an east wind and Pete up in north MO, I headed back into the set for a Sunday evening sit hoping to catch up with one of the shooters we've seen. Around 6:30pm two does came out into the beans east of the set. I was watching the does when I heard footsteps in the timber to the southeast. I picked up two more deer making their way to the beans. At first I thought they were more does, but as they got closer to the field I noticed antlers on both of them....with one of them being a good looking shooter.
They stepped out into the beans and the bigger 10 point was in the lead followed by a smaller 8 pointer. They started feeding at 35yrds and the 10point started to angle away giving me a good shot angle. I came to full draw as the buck turned just a touch more and I let the shot go. I hit further back than I wanted to, but with the quartering away angle the arrow & Rage 2 did it's thing. The buck ran back down the field past the south set and only made it another 40-50yrds into the timber before piling up.
I was jacked up about killing my first potential P&Y buck and tore up the phone lines calling all my peeps trying to find requirements to help drag the deer out. We finally got the BIG BOY out around 9:30pm and hopefully didn't tear up to many beans in the process.
It was great start to the 09 we just need to get Pete on the board with another shooter buck.
FYI - The World's Greatest Dad t-shirt was not in effect last night and is a dead to me now!
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