2/21/09 - I headed out to the BS70 & BS155 farms to look for sheds. I started out on the BS70 farm and walked the north fence and then headed south down the east field edge. I didn't make it all the way into the cedar trees, because of the stiff wind and cold temps. After about an hour of looking I spotted my first shed along the east field edge. It's the right side of a decent 8. Should be a good deer this fall.
I spent about 20 minutes looking for the other side, but to no avail. I need to get back and walk the remaining field edges and kick through the cedar thicket.
After I finished on the BS70 farm I headed across the road to the west side of the BS155 farm. I walked down the field break and headed south along the creek bottom. I didn't locate any sheds, but I need a 2nd person to cover the area completely. I did kick up about 35 turkeys near the NW pond. After making to the south property line I cut back east and walked through the top end of the field. I had a woodchuck stalking me for about 5 minutes, before he finally went about his own business. I thought I was going to have to defend my self twice, because the chuck looked like he wanted to charge. After finishing our brief standoff I headed over towards the dried east pond. As soon as I crested the pond dam I spotted an antler in the dried mud, as I worked towards that shed I spotted another antler about 15 yards away in some mud and grass.

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