We headed down to the Osage Arm of Lake of the Ozarks this past weekend to kick off the Missouri Spoonbill season. Team Big Fish Hunters (Brian, Nick, Joe, and Pete) arrived at Levi's cabin around 4pm on Thursday and were on lake within an hour. I started the action off with the smallest Spoony anyone had ever seen snagged and the first Spoony of my career. Joe and Nick each snagged fish later that evening.

From Friday - Sunday morning the entire group (Levi, Andy, Jericho, Danny, Glenn, Nick, Joe, Brian, Pete, Linn, Juddy, Miller, and Derrick) caught around 100 Spoonies total. The group ended up keeping 19 fish which weighed in around 1000lbs. It took a lot of beer and time to clean that much meat, believe me!
Brian ended up with the most fish caught with 12 total and I ended up winning the biggest fish prize when I snagged an 81 lbs. sow Friday evening. All in all it was an absolute blast hunting these giant fish and I can't wait until my next Spoony fishing trip. Thanks for the invite Brian, it was a blast!!!