Me and Brian hunted The West Side this morning. Brian and Kevin's group shot 33 birds last Friday, so with the cold front moving in we decided to give the field anothr shot. The wind was SSE about 4-7 mph with clear skies and 26 degrees. We hunted on the SE side of the main channel. Brian broke open a 40 yards hole in the ice using his 4wheeler and we put out 18 mallard decoys, 1 jr. mojo, and 18 canada field decoys.
The moring started out slow but around 9:15am flocks started pouring in every 8 - 15 minutes. The shooting started out poor, but I regained my form with the new Benelli after 2 flocks. The birds worked right into the spread. The bigger flocks were pretty shy, but the flocks of 5-20 birds would circle 2-3 times and drop right in. It was a solid shoot and nice to get back after the ducks. I wish Q could have been here, it was a perfect setup for him!!!!